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  European Civilization Research  
Xu Bin: New ideas for the rise of the modern world and industrial revolution—— Noth's theoretical heritage and new system's histo澳门正版新莆京游戏rical interpretation of the historical interpretation and pioneering of the historical interpretation of the new system
2023-12-21 08:55  

Summary: Nonost's new system theory focuses on historical analysis, Explain why the Western World has risen in the Western world with institutional changes。 His theoretical heritage consists of three components—— Property Rights Theory、 Country- Government Theory、 Cognition- Faith theory。 Based on these theories, New institution澳门正版新莆京游戏al analysis schools constantly put forward new views and theoretical claims。 Especially2012 Since the year, Some new expansion have already become its own system, and created a wide range of academic impacts。 They inherited Non's legacy, At the same time, constantly criticize and question it。 Finding new and reconstruction is the common feature of these progress。 Asimogru, 澳门正版新莆京游戏etc., They not only advocate that the political system is the foundation of the economic system, And think that history is not destined but“ Change due to the situation”; Mochir pointed out the lack of theoretical theoretical in technical factors, He evolved with beliefs and institutions to explain culture and technological innovation, General“ Growth culture” The root cause of the rise 澳门正版新莆京游戏of the West; Hodgson denies the property rights views of Nonos and the views on the glorious revolution, Theoretical theory of rebuilding system and property rights, The protection of the right to mortgage property and the law of law on financial transactions as the cause of the British leading the industrial revolution。

Keywords: Modern World; Industrial Revolution; Douglas· Noys澳门正版新莆京游戏; New System Theory; Critical; Theoretical development;

Fund Fund: Humanities and Social Science Projects of the Ministry of Education“ The development of the early British banking system and financial innovation”(21YJA770016);

This article is published in《 Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology( Social Science Version)》2023 Year No.6 Issue。

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